Excerpt from Devotion, Shades of Brown
Picture this: The haze and dust begin to clear, as you strain your eyes to look around you. Slowly you rise checking your body for injuries. There are none! Peering as far as the eye can see, there’s only carnage and death, no life anywhere. In horror you think to yourself, Am I the only survivor?
Yes, it’s a morbid thought to be sure, and yet it’s very similar to the picture God painted for Ezekiel in chapter 6 of the Bible. Ezekiel was to proclaim a prophecy to the people, one that was not very pleasant. He is the survivor in this story. Before any of this takes place, however, he must become the message bearer of a prophecy.
Right now, we are going to focus on just being a survivor. Every one of us is a survivor of something. We may have survived illness or perhaps, a dysfunctional upbringing. The things we survived literally tried to defeat and destroy us, BUT THEY DID NOT! There is a miracle in having survived those things.
But why did you survive? Why should you, or any of us make it through scenarios that others do not? Survivors like Ezekiel fit into God’s framework and have a unique and specific purpose. A part of that purpose is to shine a bright light if you will. We are to commemorate that goodness and mercy exist.
You’ve been brought through the fire, drug out of the mud, rescued from the storm for a reason, for a PURPOSE! Be encouraged and tell your story to all who will listen. God’s great and awesome power requires it of you, and others may find new LIFE from hearing!