The Journey of life has many paths that must be traveled. Sometimes the journey is known and other times it’s unknown or not as clear. As I Journey down the path of life, I’ve encountered some exits, some off-ramps, and detours. I’ve learned the detour is where growth, learning, strength, and awareness take place.
Some of the roads were not always smooth, and throughout my traveled path, I’ve encountered some changes some challenges. The unknown thing is that our Journeys are filled with life’s lessons of Love, hope, heartaches, and success, challenges, joys, and celebrations. It will test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and our faith.
The beauty of this is that there are lessons learned in every known and unknown Journey. These are moments that will ultimately lead us to our destination, that take us to our real purpose in life. The Journey molds us and mends us into the Individual man, woman, the person that the good Master wants us to be.
In the end, the detoured path is an experience, growth, lessons learned, and a journey. It’s called Life! Embrace the Journey.